For Booking, please call or email 541 654-5310

Song Samples

All Music © Crowley/Burleson, all arrangements by the NeverEver Band

Good Times

An uplifting message of optimism and hope – there are good times waiting for you.

It Was You

A love song based upon a classic folk favorite.

Birthday Song

A fun song for you on your one special day every year!

Toes in the Sand

The exquisite joy of hanging out at the beach on a perfect day.

Sea of Glass

Courage and optimism, even though the winds of fate are on the way.

One More Glass of Wine

We know you’ve been there!

Laughing Child

Stewardship of our Mother Earth – we are her children.

Dancing on the Water

Youthful exploration, the joy of independence, and dancing on a floating ballroom.

Swami In Disguise

A fun song about revealing one’s true self in romance.


The 2017 total solar eclipse was a significant event for much of the world.

Smoke & Ice

The magic and mystery of love’s fleeting sensations and surprises.

Fly In Amber

A song about a person who isn’t really ready for the changes of a new relationship.

Samba in Dreamtime

Sensuous dreams, a moment captured in time, the eternal dance.

Light that Shines More Brightly

Dedicated to those who offer help without expecting recognition or reward.